Smary i oleje - Husqvarna Air filter oil
38 użytkownik(-ów) ogląda(-ją) ten produkt
63,98 zł
Przepraszamy, nie ma już żadnych produktów
Husqvarna air filter oil is a spray oil for efficient maintenance of air filters in petrol brushcutters and forestry clearing saws. 200ml spray can. The air filter oil helps keep the engine clean and reduce wear by efficiently binding dust and sand particles in the air filter. It also ensures optimal air flow for best engine performance and low fuel consumption. Easy to apply directly on the air filter, allowing a cleaner working process.
Link do produktu: Smary i oleje - Husqvarna Air filter oil
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KRAJ: Sweden
ADRES: Drottninggatan , 2 561 82
ADRES: Huskvarna, Sweden
TELEFON: +48 22 330 96 00